Waste Reduction

Oxygen Reduces Hazardous & Non-Hazardous Waste

  Oxygen is used in a variety of technologies to reduce the amount of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes to both improve environmental quality and to provide a renewable higher-value syngas energy source. By lessening the quantity of nitrogen used in processes such as plasma gasification, output product gases are of a higher quality, thereby achieving meaningful economic recovery of environmentally friendly byproduct gases and solids. In many applications waste can be converted to energy (WTE) while maintaining low stack emissions such as NOx. Because the stack volumes reduce, considerable heat losses are eliminated.

Wastewater Cleanup

Oxygen Supercharges Wastewater Cleanup

  Oxygen is used in sludge processing and oxidation to maintain sustainable Dissolved Oxygen (DO) levels, achieve adequate organic matter breakdown, improve the quality of the effluents and odors while improving the overall process efficiency. In each wastewater cleanup, the use of the hazardous chemical chlorine is achieved. Oxygen has also been used in sewer systems as a pretreatment for odor, contaminant and corrosion control.

  In addition to the water treatment plant, when a pollution event occurs in a standing or flowing body of water, in-situ treatment can begin right at the point of the pollution event.
